So I've been working to crank out merchandise for the shop. My hands absolutely hate me right now for that fact, cramping and aching in protest to so many hours of work. So I've taken a few days off from crocheting (although all I seem to want to do is more of it. My hands have put me in my place though) to explore and search the net for sites and patterns. Thankfully there are a lot of good patterns and even greater people out there. It still amazes me some of the things people put out there. I've seen some shocking "why they hell would you make that?" things. Like I stumbled across crocheted, reusable and eco friendly tampons. I ask you why? I'm all for trying to save the planet and a few bucks, but that just seems a little out there for me, not to mention a little gross. Yes, you wash them but.... it's just not for me. Then you have to totally awesome and albeit at times geeky stuff that you just can pass up and really REALLY want to make. Like tonight I stumbled upon a pattern for Zero, our favorite ghostly K9 from The Nightmare Before Christmas.
But in the time I haven't been the crocheting machine, we've been cleaning up the house. Slowly we've been going through some things here and trying to get rid of all the unnecessary clutter, although sentiment does hinder this process. And then shipping it off to the GoodWill to find a new home or to the trash if there is no helping it. I'm amazed at the amount of stuffed animals that have called this house home over the years. We've sent two very full trash bags of them to find new homes, can be a little sad to see them go, but the room they leave behind is a welcoming sight. The main goal in our cleaning frenzy is to fix up the basement and put a tv/guest sleeping area, laundry room, tool grand central, and a little work place for my outfit. But to do all that we have to get stuff out of our basement and in other places. So its a slowish cleaning process, even if the plans are big. Once the weather gets warmer and maybe a little dryer around here we can rev up the speed and call in the troops to help out.
Well I better get back to it. Here's hoping my hands feel better and I don't go super crazy on crocheting again.
Happy Crafting everyone!