Sunday, April 7, 2013

Why Why Why???

Okay so I'm surfing around on Pinterest, mostly searching for new patterns and ideas to crochet through their DIY & Crafts section. But I keep seeing these projects that involve defacing books. I know I'm not the only big book geek out there that cringes at the thought, but the idea of people actually taking perfectly good books and painting or coloring on their pages, cutting them out for flowers, or any other number of things you can think of is a bit depressing. I hate defacing books, even if its a book that I think never should have gotten published or that I think people put too much stock in or just plain hate. Books are sacred objects, they teleport us into different worlds, provide escape from our daily lives, make things not seem so bad, give us adventures and let us lead vastly different lives. Why would anyone take this and make a craft project out of it? I just can't wrap my head around it.
I know some of you think I'm overreacting, saying 'There are hundreds of copies of books, what's wrong with crafting with a few? Relax!' and some of you are on the same page with me. But let me share something with you, I freak out and get worked up if someone dog-ears pages in any book, not just mine. I have to unfold pages in library books and feel bad for these book. And when people write and highlight in books I get even worse. Its a distracting and harmful practice. People are bring down the material value of the book and just plan making it hard for someone like myself to read it. Worn covers and spines don't bug me because you can tell how much people love the book and how often they've gone back to it.
But back to the crafting point, I can see a few cases where it would be understandable. If the book is badly damaged, missing chunks of pages or just not worth repairing, fine. Use the poor book, give it new life. But taking brand new books is just plain wrong.

Now that you all know how crazy I am, at least about my books, Happy Crafting. But please leave the poor books alone, I beg of you.

Friday, April 5, 2013



Yes I am opening the shop today! I know I said April 1st, but I had a few more things I wanted to do before I opened. Not to mention a friday just seems right to me. So please go over and check me out (Shop Link). I don't have a whole lot on the shop at the moment, but it is a start and I am very proud of what I have in there right now. 
Coming soon... a few scarves, more PopTarts, and other beauties. 

Happy Crafting all.... and let the chaos for being a shop owner begin. WOOT!!