Sunday, December 28, 2014

Hello..... again!

Wowza, it's been such a long time since I last posted here. Well my aim is to change that this year. Fingers crossed!

I want to set myself a challenge and I want you guys to help me keep it. The challenge being this: one new project a week and posting all about it on say.... Sundays. Yeah Sundays sounds like a good update the blog day. SUNDAY Is Now Project Post Day!

I don't want to limit this to just crochet, but it will most likely be the staple of this whole thing. Along with my goal to knit about as well as I crochet at this point. On top of knit crafts,  I want to try out other things as well. If any of you have a Pinterest account you know how easy it is to find DIY projects on just about anything, and I think it's about time I start to try some of the things I've pinned in the last few years. That makes the net to cast wide in craft land. Crochet, knit, painting, jewelery, you name it I will most likely want to try it.

On top of you guys helping me stay with this challenge it would be awesome to hear any suggestions for projects you might have (see above paragraphs last line). I can't promise I'll do every one of them but I can try out a few now and again if it really gets my interest or an out pouring of TRY THIS happens. 

So my first project post would be next Sunday January 4th (with any luck). With a new crochet pattern I'm gonna try this week:
Rag Doll

from the book


Found a few good patterns in this book. But this is the first I'm gonna try out. So progress photos (provided I remember to take any (bare with me for the first few posts)), what I liked or didn't like about the pattern, any adjustments or changes I've made as I went along, and weather this will find its place in my shop. So stay tuned....

As always you guys can find me on Etsy @
and don't forget to like me on Facebook @ 

Happy Crafting!

.......Oh yeah and hopefully I'll remember to hit the awesome yarn sales at Michael's this week and share my new additions to the yarn stash!!!