Yikes, 9 months! It's been quite a long time since I posted. Sorry guys, but I do have a lot to share with you...

So last I posted I was talking about making a Bender doll pattern of my own for a friend. I've since finished him and I think he came out really well. There were a few pieces that were annoying to figure out like the arms and legs. Getting the right length was a little challenge. Also giving him his defining lines like the drawing was something I had to figure out. I think I'm getting a better handle on writing out my own patterns. I haven't tried any new ones lately though.
Pattern Writing in my book and the start of benders head. |

After bender was done I worked on an order of baseballs. There were twelve to be made in yellow and green (big Oregon duck fans). The balls themselves were easy to make. I had difficulty getting the stitching to look right. Just to get one to look correct took me what felt like an age, but once the first one came together, the others were a little easier. Practice makes perfect.
Stitch is helping me weave in ends. |
After those orders were taken care of I got to work on a personal project. I had been planing a trip to Salt Lake City Comic Con with a good friend of mine for September. We were of course going to dress up in cosplays. One of mine was Osgood from 'Doctor Who'. For this I wanted the infamous Baker scarf worn by the 4th Doctor. So I set out to find the right pattern and color scheme. A few adjustments later I was on my way to a very long 13.5 ft scarf. Its crazy and I love it. I also worked on a shirt for this outfit too. Wore this again for Halloween as I passed out candy with my sister. It made my inner geek quite happy.
My happy self headed to SLCC day 1 |
For my birthday I got one of those Cupcake Cake pans, really cool. So I finally used it for the 4th of July. It takes about two boxes of cake mix for this cake pan. But it's really cool to use.
The almost finished Dino Kid. I really love this pattern. Especially after I tweaked it a little. I believe I was working on this one for Woodburn. I did the swap meet there at the drag strip again. Lots of fun with the siblings. And we even camped out this year!
Had some stuff going on this year and one night I had to do a little art therapy. This is the outcome of maybe an hour or so of that. I really like it, and that short time really helped me find my center of calm again.

This lovey was a random project I made around the time I needed a break from writing out Bender. The granny square pattern was something simple to calm my mind and something that didn't require a ton of thought. I like how it came out, even if its arms are a little uneven and its ears curl. I made the blanket in a 5 point granny square.

Before I headed out on my comic con trip in August, I got an order from an old college friend for this cute little kitty. It's key chain size and perfect to carry around. It was fun to work on and I have plans to make more of them. The plus is they work up pretty fast like my tiny turtles do.
I just finished up this elephant. It was featured in another post about projects that needed finishing. Well its done and I decided it could use a little heart on its bum. This random project turned into an order recently. I'd do a review, but its been so long since I worked on most of this pattern. I'll try it out again for a review post. So this guy should be headed to a new home very soon.
I posted this one on Instagram. Thought it was better then all the stuff people were posting about the election that night. I've finished ten of these candy canes since and still have a few more to make....
While others may be watching the election unfold, I'm binge watching #thecrown
, while getting updates on the election. I'm also working on a personal
project of Christmas decorations. Candy Canes & Lights.
candy canes I'm working on are very close to my heart. We have a similar
set that my grandmother had made years ago, and now I'm adding my own
to the collection. Wish I could have found my love of crochet while she
was still around and shared it with her.  
#DeviouslyCrafty #crochetlove |
I usually don't like the whole early Christmas stuff. That holiday shouldn't be heard from till December 1st in my opinion. But I need to get these decorations done before then so we can actually use them this year.
As I wrote in the post, these candy canes are very near to my heart. I even teared up writing that. Which was not something I expected. But they are just that special to me. They are also very easy to make up. I'll post reviews on these and my lights next month for something Christmas related.
Well that's all for this massive update. As you can see you can now follow me on Instagram at DeviouslyCrafty.
As always you guys can find me on
and don't forget to like me on
FacebookHappy Crafting!