Saturday, November 3, 2012

National Novel Writing Month

So the month of November is known to a lot of people as National Novel Writing Month and enjoyed by many. For the second year in a row I have decided to partake in this event. I wasn't very successful last year only getting to 760 of the 50,000 word goal. And this year I am falling behind, having forgotten that the event had started all together. Thankfully I've only missed three days and have plenty of time to make this years even work and hopefully don't succumb to writers block like last year. I had had a interesting little crime novel going. But as per the rules I have started to brain storm a new novel, very sci-fi and x-men inspired I have to say. No plotting down and the bare minimum of character profiles. But I have faith and lots of hope that I can reach 1,000 words this time.

Good luck to anyone else out there that is partaking in the event, and my the lovely muses grant you inspiration all month long. And its not to late for others to join in. Let the fancy strike and carry you off into a world of your own making. To get the rules and started on your own profile just go to Have fun happy writers and readers.


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