Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Zombie Jesus Day!!!!

So Easter Sunday or Zombie Jesus day, which ever you like better. I don't know what you all have planed, but we're having my sister and her man over, along with her dogs, YAY holidays and the weather warming up a bit. So tonight we have ham and pie (replacing the traditional cake we normally have), plus all the fixings that go with dinner.

I do hope you all had a better week then I have. I've been mending a injured back. One of those things that happens I guess. Nothing special or interesting about how I hurt my back. Just stood up wrong as I was getting off the couch late monday morning. I pulled something and it made it very difficult to walk let alone do anything else. So I've been bound to a chair, using ice packs and a brand new heating pad to get better. Oh and lovely pain killers at that. I highly recommend not throwing out your back. It wasn't till this morning that I was able to get up normally and not use my fathers cane we just happen to have on hand when he needs it to hobble around (mostly when something of his makes it difficult to get around, usually his knees). Lovely feeling to walk normally again. Of course I'm not completely back to normal, so I mustn't push my luck. Sarcastically I said to my father when he noted I wasn't using the cane, "I can walk. It's an Easter miracle." Amusing and corny (and not meant to offend anyone). So as a result to this and being quite uncomfortable for the week I haven't been working on my projects like I should. So I'm looking at working in overdrive for the next week or so to make up. I did make some progress on a few scarves, but none of the 3 I've started are quite finished. They're only about half done for various reasons. But this also means I'm behind in my custom items for the VW events I'm going to in a few months. But I'm sure I'll manage.

So again Happy Easter all, and Happy Crafting!

Thursday, March 21, 2013


Hello All!!!
So I plum spaced one of the most important things for starting a business. THE BOOKS! Looks to be the bane of my existence. So I'm reading up on the best way to keep track of things like money. Oy, I wish I hadn't spaced this. But its all good, I have a few books to read and I should be set. *Fingers Crossed*, and once that and a few other legal matters are cleared up I will be opening my shop. No later then April 1st, I promise. (And thats no joke... Ha Ha Ha. Get it?....) 
Moving on. 
As promised I now have the dates for the VW swap meets I'll be attending. June 1st at the 28th annual Bug Run, Located at the Woodburn Dragstrip in Woodburn, Oregon. And then August 4th at the Rose City Bug-in at PIR (Portland International Raceway) in Portland, Oregon. So come out and have some fun, come find me. 
Another note of goodness is that my pretty business cards came in the mail last week. YAY! Its the little things that make life awesome right?
So I'm off to do more reading (blarg, it's not the fun kind). I had just stopped by to give a small update.
Happy Crafting!!!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Coming to a Web Page near YOU!!!

I am steps away from launching my Etsy page. A few more things to be done and listings to edit of course and I will finally be up and running. So far I know my Voodoo dolls are a popular crowd pleaser. I have four ready to go on sale and honestly I almost want to keep them for myself. They are too darn cute. Also I am happy to announce they I have order business cards via Vista Print. Cool site and I only paid $13.39 for the 250 cards, (the $10 deal is for one sided cards. You gotta pay a little more for a back, but you get that discounted anyway on your first order.) So they will be here in a few weeks. YAY!!!
I've also got an event or two to sell at. My sister and her man go to VW swap meets every year and they invited me to come and sell. So I have to drum up some more merch before then. Which reminds me I need to look into when that will be. I do know they go to Woodburn, OR and PIR (Portland International Raceway) in Portland, OR. So feel free to come check it out if your in town when they come up. I'll be sure to post the dates once I have them myself.

Well that all for my little update. Here are the favorites.....

Happy crafting.... And yes more in the future will have top hats and bows. They are too cute not to repeat.