I cut down the original mouth pattern because I thought I was going to be too big, and it would have been. At the size I made it the moth on him was too big. I think the way the head is constructed makes it look weird after you stuff him as well. So this probably isn't a pattern I'll do very often if much at all.

▪ Pattern Readability -
5 Yarn Balls. Its actually a well written pattern.
▪ Ease of Pattern -
4 Yarn Balls. Part of the pattern for the Head/Body is a little funny. It tells you to 'increase/decrease (blank) times evenly spaced'. I hate when people write this. It makes it harder on the reader.
▪ Adjustments -
4 Yarn Balls. The moth adjustment I made, plus I think this can be improved on. Just not totally sure how I should go about it yet.
▪ Final Product -
4 Yarn Balls. Its cute, fairly easy pattern, and mostly accurate.
▪ Personal -
3 Yarn Balls. The head on this guy really bugs me and he needed thumbs too.
▪Overall Score -
4 Yarn Balls even.
He may have scored high but like I said I'm not likely to make him in the future. At least not without making some changes. I do want to try the dino thing though. Now that could be cute.
We also did our Thanksgiving festivities early this year. With me house sitting and one of my sisters working retail, we thought it would be easier on everyone to go ahead and do it early. So a normal Thanksgiving Saturday for us around here. Hope everyone else has a good holiday and takes it easy on the Black Friday sales. No need to kill yourselves over a lousy deal (as you can tell I'm not a Black Friday fan. I just don't get the camping out and killing people to get to the door and certain item thing).
As always you guys can find me on Etsy
and don't forget to like me on Facebook
Happy Crafting!
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