Saturday, November 14, 2015

Experiment #626

Since Bowser was finished on Halloween, I've been working on a cowgirl rag doll and Stitch. I'm happily surprised that my orders are almost finished out. I only have one more doll to make on the Christmas orders list. But more lined up after the holidays, Wooo!!

For the Rag Doll I had to change up the leg pattern. I wanted to give her cowboy boots and took some time to modify the original pattern to fit my needs. I've said in the past, pattern making isn't my favorite and can be a really big pain, but this worked out pretty good on the first try. I also brought out the hat pattern I used on Rufus the dog back in July. I guessed on the hook size I needed to fit the doll and got really lucky. Although once I added her hair I wish I had used a bigger hook. I underestimated hair volume and had some trouble figuring out how to place the hat and how to do her hair. Live and learn I guess.
For this doll I also add a horseshoe design on the dress. I couldn't find any patches I liked that were small enough for her dress and went the rout of embroidering it myself. Not too bad for free hand. And I'm glad I had the PERFECT button for her dress too. I think this doll came out perfect and I couldn't be happier with it. I really hope my niece enjoys her new friend.

 Next we have Experiment #626 a.k.a Stitch. Our lovable outlaw alien. 

If it wasn't for this order it probably would have been a while before I got to this great pattern. I will most defiantly be making this one again, and in more colors too. I have almost no bad things to say about this pattern. Almost. 
The pattern as a whole is quite solid and I didn't notice, what I'm gonna call a typo, till I was assembling. I think the ear patterns were miss labeled and just need to be reversed. Not the biggest of deals but I made note of it for next time. Its why the pink inner ear looks lumpy. Either it was miss labeled or someone forgot to mention that the directions are in UK crochet and not US. Yes there is a difference in stitches between the two. Not sure which is right but I'm gonna go with typo. 
I also decided to make a few extra pieces with this. I started with the tummy strip. They wrote that into the body pattern but I've had issues in the past of these just coming out wonky and made the decision that a little more work was better then not being happy with the look later. And honestly it wasn't that hard to do up. They also addressed this issue in the pattern and gave a tip on how to fix it, but I just passed on that potential headache. The next two pieces came at the very end after I'd put this adorable alien together. If you've ever seen Lilo & Stitch you know he's got markings on his back. This pattern didn't have them at all and I just couldn't stand not putting them on. He didn't look right to me without them. So I took maybe the better part of an hour to make them up. They aren't perfect by any means but they are, kinda, close. This is me being super anal, again, about making things look correct when they are reproductions of popular characters.
And I love that he sits up on his own. I love this little guy.

 Review Time:
▪ Pattern Readability -  
 5 Yarn Balls. This has been one of the best written patterns I've had in a while. A+
▪ Ease of Pattern -  
5 Yarn Balls. This is a decent pattern for a beginner. They even give a GREAT brake down on how to assemble.
▪ Adjustments - 
 4.5 Yarn Balls. Honestly it was mostly because of my preferences. But the ear thing is the only knock down. And it's not even a big deal.
▪ Final Product -  
5 Yarn Balls. Anyone can make or have this adorable guy.
▪ Personal - 
 5 Yarn Balls. I'd give it a higher score if I wasn't on a 1-5 scale. And I think the makings make a difference.
▪Overall Score - 
 4.9 Yarn Balls. . . .  technically. We'll just call it an even 5.

It was super fun making Stitch this week. Next up we have Elmo. I doubt he'll be much of a pain, just a lot of red yarn. But you never know right?

As always you guys can find me on Etsy
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Happy Crafting!

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