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Kali and Katie ready for bed. |
As you know I decided to take the week off from orders. I think it went well until I caught my father's cold. So since about Thursday I've been battling the first sickness of the season. That was also my first full day of doggie sitting in the windy city of Troutdale. While everyone was pulling up to tables of turkey dinner, I was on the couch trying to feel better. Thankfully Kali and Katie were awesome pups, glad to spend the extended weekend with them (Wednesday night through today). Lots of chilling and marathoning tv and movies on Netflix. Nothing better when you're sick than to just try to relax.
It wasn't a total bust week. I did get to make a few little Dino clad dolls. I kinda love this pattern too. I made the green/yellow one first. She is a keeper, and I do mean that. She is mine now I have claimed her. But I wanted to make a few adjustments to the pattern once I was done. Which is why I made Mr. Gray. I was happy that the adjustments worked out and I was able to make them both before I got sick.
- I decided after getting most of the first one assembled it needed a tail. So I whipped one up right fast. So glad I did. Looked off without one. The back spikes looked off before the tail.
- On Mr. Gray I decided that the body was a little fatter then it needed to be, so I reduced that a touch.
- I also widened the tummy strip too. Thought that was a bit wimpy.
- I centered the hood design too.
- Next was giving him actual feet. Stick legs were easy to make but bumping out the feet wasn't hard either. And looks better.
- I gave a little more of a hand. It looks more like the pattern picture now. (The thought of thumbs came to mind but on something this small I didn't see the point.)
- And since I didn't have buttons I did yarn eyes. Which came out pretty good. Might stay with those instead of buttons in the future.
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Aren't they cute!!! |
~REVIEW: Dino Dayne~
▪ Pattern Readability -
5 Yarn Balls. Very well written, no issues there.
▪ Ease of Pattern -
5 Yarn Balls. Great pattern for a beginner.
The hood is probably the hardest piece and it was easy to follow.
The hood is probably the hardest piece and it was easy to follow.
▪ Adjustments -
5 Yarn Balls. Honestly you don't NEED to adjust this pattern. I just did for personal taste, cuz thats how I roll.
▪ Final Product -
5 Yarn Balls. Super cute and bigger then the pictures make him look.
▪ Personal -
5 Yarn Balls. LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE! First dino pattern I've come across that works. Next is to find dinosaur pattern that isn't humanized.
5 Yarn Balls. LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE! First dino pattern I've come across that works. Next is to find dinosaur pattern that isn't humanized.
▪Overall Score -
Easy math. . . . a full 5 Yarn Balls!!
I also started on a minion pattern but since I wasn't feeling well he barely got started. I will most certainly get back to that pattern, just might be a bit. Sad, because I thought my off week was going to be super productive. But instead of projects, I just made mucus, Eeeeewwwwww.
So I hope everyone else enjoyed the holiday and I'll write next week. *fingers crossed*
As always you guys can find me on Etsy
and don't forget to like me on Facebook
Happy Crafting!