Thursday, February 12, 2015

New Dress & Project Update

Eeeekkkkk!  So my bridesmaids dress came in the mail today. My awesome friend Megan is getting married in June and picked out these beautiful deep teal twist wrap dresses for us girls. There are dozens of ways to make these dresses up and hundreds of tutorials on YouTube to show you. It's gonna be tough to pick a style that works for me. Next is to find some shoes for the wedding. And I just can't wait to get down to Arizona to see her! It's gonna be an awesome two weeks for me.

Project update now. . . . I started one project and intended to make another. But I started a dachshund pattern that I have plans for as a gift. Not sure if this someone is going to reads this blog so no details. But there will be pictures of it once it's done and given. I'm hoping he will look adorable. I wanted to work on a robot as well but that might have to wait till next week, we'll see. I still have some time. Should get back to crocheting, see you guys again on Sunday.

Happy Crafting!

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