Sunday, February 1, 2015

Project Update: Weeks 5 & 6

As you know I'm doing a two week project.

Doodle Shoes!

 Working on these was in spurts but I finished the sketching of what I want to put on them. A little artist block now and again, never fails to happen. Next is the outline and coloring. The fun part is to see how well these pens work and if I need to change somethings on the fly.

Left shoe
Left shoe
Right shoe
Right shoe
 I know the sketches don't look that awesome but thats what sketching is for right. Really excited to try out these pens!!! On to outlining and coloring.


So I did some thinking on my rating system.
▪ 1 yarn ball = poor
▪ 3 yarn balls = decent or passable
▪ 5 yarn balls = AMAZING

And I'll be rating on these categories:
▪ Pattern readability
▪ Ease of pattern
▪ Adjustments
▪ Final product
▪ Personal
And finally for an overall score I'll average them all.

If anyone has any suggestions on what I should be rating these patterns on or anything else, please leave me a comment. Also I'm still glad to hear from you guys about project ideas. Hope your Super Bowl was a good one.

Thats kinda it for this update. Final product due next Sunday.

As always you guys can find me on Etsy
and don't forget to like me on Facebook 

Happy Crafting!

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