Crazy week here. As of Thursday work on the kitchen has officially started. . . YAY! But before that this week it was where to put the last of our kitchen stuff so we can use it or find it fairly easily. A few days to get it all sorted and to organize how we will function without a kitchen. The guys did leave the stove hooked up for us for the time being. (Thanks Denny.) You never realize how much junk you have until you have to completely clean out a room. But we are more than happy for this to finally be stated. Our dining room has been housing our new appliances for far too long. We'd like our house back and frankly so would the dogs. Nascar isn't a fan of all the banging that's been going on but sticking close to one of us seems to make her feel better. She'll have to get used to it for a little while. As for Lugnut, he just has to show everyone who's the boss and barks at the guys when they need to go out to their truck (at lest for the few trips before settling down). Demo took the day and only a few pieces were a pain to get out. Apparently everything was nailed in, no screws used in this 80's remodel. LOL. I did prep work for the painting Friday. Spic and Span is awesome, cut through the grossness of above the stove pretty easily. We also picked up paint and the rebuilding center took (most) of the old cabinets away. Yay! Took longer for me to prime than I had planed, but I had other things taking up my time. So Saturday and today was priming and a little later I'll get some paint color on the walls. I want to get as much as I can done since our cabinets are coming tomorrow. So the ceiling is the big part I want to get done.
Primed and ready for everything else. |
This weekend I also had another house/dog sitting gig. Woo. They were my other things, but its cool they were awesome and life moves forward. Two gray
hounds this time. And they are stinking cute too. Great pair of pups and
I'm sure they are happy to see their mom and dad tonight.
Kearney and Leah. Flash made their eyes all demon like. |

So this weeks project was a time out stool. Cute little heart stool that the mom had spray painted a nice lavender. She gave me free rein over the design. So I kept it pretty simple, nothing crazy or too intricate. I decided to try out my cursive on this. I'm not very good at it, haven't been told to write in it since the fifth grade (mostly). Dying art cursive is. But I think it turned out good. It's not like I was writing a paper or something. Like I said I kept it simple, with the crazy week and not being home it was nice to have a quick paint project. I had fun with it anyway.
Better shot of the hourglass. |
Right Side |
Left Side |
I also tried my hand at the tiny cars. Something I could take with me
house sitting. Loving my project bag I got for Christmas by the way, best thing in
the world. Thank you Kanthack's! But I didn't get around to finishing it. Way too tired by the time I got time to work with it. Plus I didn't have my poli-fil. So I'll write up about it next Sunday. I'll be able to focus better on the pattern this week, hopefully.
Which leads me into next weeks project. I think I'll stick with Tiny Cars pattern. Probably won't be anything else with it but who knows.
Lugnut and Nascar. They found a good spot when the guys
were making a bunch of noise and I was out of the room. |
As always you guys can find me on
Etsy and don't forget to like me on
Happy Crafting!
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